
Mathematics Behind the Academic Performance Calculator

1. Marks to Percentage Conversion

Before assigning a grade, the calculator converts marks to a percentage:

Percentage = (Your Marks / Max Marks) × 100

2. Percentage to Grade Conversion

The percentage is then converted to a grade using the following scale:

Percentage Range Grade
95% and above O
85% to 94% A+
75% to 84% A
65% to 74% B+
55% to 64% B
45% to 54% C
35% to 44% P
Below 35% F

3. Grade Point Conversion

The calculator uses a grade point system where each letter grade is assigned a numerical value:

Grade Points
O (Outstanding) 10
A+ 9
A 8
B+ 7
B 6
C 5
P (Pass) 4
F (Fail) 0
AB (Absent) 0

4. Grade Point Average (GPA) for Individual Courses

For calculating the GPA of an individual course, a weighted average is used:

Course GPA = Σ(Assessment Grade Point × Assessment Weightage)


Example calculation:

Match the final GPA to this table for the course's final grade:

GPA Range Final Grade
9.5 and above O
8.5 to 9.4 A+
7.5 to 8.4 A
6.5 to 7.4 B+
5.5 to 6.4 B
4.5 to 5.4 C
3.5 to 4.4 P
Below 3.5 F

In this example, 8 GPA corresponds to an A grade.

5. Semester Performance Index (SPI) and Cumulative Performance Index (CPI) Calculation

The SPI/CPI is calculated using the following formula:

SPI/CPI = Σ(Course Grade Point × Course Credit) / Total Credits


Note: In real-world scenarios, course credits may vary. This calculator assumes a fixed credit of 4 for all courses for simplicity.

Example S.P.I calculation:

For calculating C.P.I:

Must take all course from all semesester into account formula remain same use same formula for used for calculating s.p.i

CPI Formula:

CPI = Σ(Gi * Ci) / Σ(Ci)

Example Calculation:

Assume you have 1 courses every semester the following grades and credits:

Using the CPI formula:

CPI = (8 * 3 + 9 * 4 + 7 * 3) / (3 + 4 + 3)

CPI = (24 + 36 + 21) / 10

CPI = 81 / 10

CPI = 8.10

6. Attendance Percentage Calculation

Attendance percentage is a crucial metric in academic performance. It's calculated using the following formula:

Attendance Percentage = (Number of Classes Attended / Total Number of Classes) × 100

Example Attendance Calculation:

Let's calculate the attendance percentage for a student:


  1. Apply the attendance percentage formula:
    • Attendance Percentage = (45 / 50) × 100
    • Attendance Percentage = 0.9 × 100 = 90%

Attendance Percentage = 90%

Importance of Attendance Percentage

Many educational institutions have minimum attendance requirements. For example:

Note: The exact attendance policies may vary between institutions. Students should always refer to their specific institution's guidelines.


These mathematical concepts form the core of the academic performance calculator. The calculator uses these formulas to convert raw marks into grades, calculate Final grade, and determine overall performance indices like SPI and CPI.

Please note that terminology used on this page may differ from globally or nationally accepted terminology. The grading system and calculation methods may vary between institutions and education systems.

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